All About CCPA and GDPR Compliance


The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are laws that have strengthened the individual’s control over their personal information. It is mandatory for many companies to follow CCPA and GDPR compliance rules. Both have some similarities and differences. Today we will look into both.

What Does CCPA provide?

It gives the citizens of California increased control and transparency over how businesses collect and use their personal data.

What does GDPR provide?

It gives the citizens of European Union (EU) increased control and transparency over how businesses collect and use their personal data.

While CCPA applies only to businesses in California and the ones who collect the data of Californian citizens, GDPR has implications for businesses in the US as well. It applies to European Union and the United States.

What rights do people have in CCPA and GDPR laws?

They provide the following common rights:

Right to Access: Individuals have all the rights to access the personal data that the companies are using and ask for digital or physical copies.

Right to Know:Individuals should have complete knowledge of what personal information companies ask for and how they transact it.

Right to Opt Out: Individuals in certain cases can prohibit the usage of their personal data and can opt out.

Right to Delete: In most cases, individuals can ask the companies to delete their personal data records.

Companies have to optimize their cookies according to the new laws and make sure they follow strict data security and encryption. With the rise in consumer awareness, people demand complete transparency of why, how and where their data will be collected, stored and used.

In order to comply with these laws and keep your customers happy, you must seek the services of reliable software. One such intelligent software provider is PrettyFluid Technologies. Their software, Zentinel provides streamlined database security with its strong data access controls and high-end encryption and authentication controls.

Their software is efficient and fully adaptable to handle large databases. It provides consumers full access to their data transactions and its usage. Their zero access policy ensures that even the parent company PrettyFluid Technologies has no visibility of the data collected. It is a cost-effective way to ensure compliance and improve security and access controls.

About PrettyFluid Technologies:

PrettyFluid Technologies is a leading software provider, helping businesses to strengthen their security and encryption and CCPA and GDPR compliance.

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